This school year, senior women’s cross country runner Hannah Lewis was chosen along with another Winona State athlete, senior track and field thrower Erin Bramble, to participate in the NCAA Career in Sports Forum, which was held in June. The forum is hosted every year by the NCAA, and is comprised of 200 student-athletes interested in pursuing a career in sports.
“I was chosen for the NCAA Career in Sports Forum because I am interested in working in collegiate athletics,” Lewis said.
She applied for the forum a few months prior, after receiving information about it sent out to all of Winona State’s student-athletes. The application itself contained open-answer response questions, asking the students to explain their interest in a sports-related career, and why they thought the forum would be beneficial and educational. Lewis was selected to attend the forum along with Bramble.
“There were a lot of incredible speakers there, and I learned a lot from the forum,” Lewis said. “It was significant for me to be chosen because I was able to make a lot of useful connections, learn from experienced professionals, and have fun.”
The goal of the forum is to give student-athletes an opportunity to explore careers in sports, help them chart their career path, and provide networking opportunities with current athletic professionals. Some of the topics included how behavioral styles impact individual effectiveness, as well as how personal values can intersect with career opportunities.
“The forum selected a huge group of student-athletes from every different sport and division from all over the country, and I had the privilege of learning alongside these athletes from experts in our field,” Lewis said.
To apply to the forum, you must be a junior or senior student athlete. Each NCAA member school can nominate up to five student athletes to complete the application, which will then be reviewed by the NCAA.
After being accepted to attend the forum, there are few costs associated with the experience. The cost of the conference, as well as lodging, meals and program material are covered by the NCAA.