Brett Kavanaugh’s recent nomination has divided local students on how his nomination should be handled and what it means.
In a #metoo environment the accusations against Kavanaugh came when his presence on the Supreme Court could potentially affect decisions for decades.
This division is also shown in a recent poll, given by Five Thirty Eight (an affiliate of ABC News) showing 75 percent of republicans supporting Kavanaugh, while also showing 75 percent of democrats saying Kavanaugh should not be confirmed.
Accusations from Republicans range from questioning if the timing of the allegation from Christine Ford is part of a smear campaign. Republicans are also saying the allegation takes away from the view that Kavanaugh is an experienced judge.
The public is divided on whether or not Ford’s testimony is believable. According to , 48 percent of Americans believe her testimony while 41 percent do not, according a Quinnipiac University poll.
Democrats are accusing Republicans of pushing through the nomination without a proper investigation.
The recent allegations of sexual assault from Ford have also been brought to the front on the minds of students and faculty on the Winona State campus.
Vice President of the College Republicans, an unofficial student organization, Holden Sill, had emphasized the need for due process.
“Kavanaugh served his country and is a very experienced judge,” Sill said. “He should be given the vote he was nominated for.”
Sill also explained his frustration with the parties for not allowing the justice system to do their job.
“Neither republicans nor democrats should jump to conclusions and allow the justice system to fulfill its purpose, so hopefully we get the truth of what happens,” Sill said.
President of College Democrats, Adam Thompson, was asked if the Senate should continue the vote. He didn’t believe the investigation would be fruitful.
“It is inevitable that a vote will happen, but I don’t think he should confirmed,” Thompson said. “I believe Dr. Ford and think she is completely credible.”
The nomination of Kavanaugh is expected to affect the decisions of the Supreme Court for decades. Brandon Holden, president of the College Republicans, noted his importance to Republicans stating that what the Supreme Court says will set a precedent for many years.
Democrats are also concerned about the affect of having the Supreme Court be with a majority conservative judges. President Trump had also confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorcock in April 2017.
“President Trump being able to put two Supreme Court justices on the bench would mean that President Trump’s effect on our government [will last] for 30 or 40 plus years,” Thompson said.
Kara Lindaman, a political science professor, emphasized the long-term consequences of Kavanaugh’s nomination.
“If you take a political science course and looked at the landmark decisions that have shaped the soul and spirit of this country,” Lindaman said. “I can’t imagine the Supreme Court going away from that anytime in the near future.”
This nomination affected what it means to have a Supreme Court Justice have allegations of sexual assault.
“Kavanaugh’s messaging around sexual assault, our atmosphere, consent and the messages this would be sending to women is enough to make anyone concerned about the Kavanaugh hearings,” Thompson said.
Lindaman also said Kavanaugh’s nomination would be long lasting and the types of decisions the court makes will last a couple decades.
“Our elected bodies are elected to be able to comprise on agreements, but they seem unable to compromise,” Lindaman said. “Because of that, more and more of those public concerns are pushed to the Supreme Court.”
Lindaman expressed that most people do not desire to live in a polarized world.
“Most of us don’t want such a divisive America, most of us don’t live that way. Even as a political scientist I don’t live that way,” Lindaman said. “Day to day we just try to get by. We go to school together, we grocery shop together. I can be as partisan as anybody but that is not the way our political process should work.”