The Winonan’s film reporter rates this film 3/5
Untouchable, directed by Ursula Macfarlane, is a documentary film that just came out on Hulu. The film covers the rise and fall of Harvey Weinstein.
This documentary shows tales of the grotesque life he lived as he sexually abused actresses while trying to make a big break. With interviews of some of the women who he came in contact with, this film is an emotional rollercoaster that everyone should see.
Many people don’t know how impactful a documentary film really is. They are not just used for educational purposes. They do want to inform people of a real-life event, but it doesn’t always have to be a part of any curriculum. This particular film is made up of interviews and found footage and audio that became a breakthrough for the #MeToo movement. These women were finally able to get their story heard and not be shut down or afraid of what would happen if they were to speak out against Weinstein.
Even though interviews can seem like a snooze move when making a film, it is actually quite necessary for most documentary films as the audience can put a face to the event that person is trying to tell. In this film, the people who lived this story don’t want to relive that traumatic experience again, but talking about it in a safe room whilst sitting down talking to a camera is much easier. That is also why found footage is so important.
With every different person speaking out their experiences with Harvey Weinstein, the filmmakers help set the scene that they are describing with either found footage or found audio. Audiences come to see a film to usually not do any work like a reader does as they picture a scene themselves.
The film tells the stories of a man who was an abuser for over 30 years and the women he abused have to live with that the rest of their lives, which is devastating. This was a difficult story to tell, but it also gives people hope as to show that if a big-time film producer that seems untouchable can in fact be touched and lose his entire empire he created, then anything is possible.
However, this film also gives a bit of a bleak statement that it took and could take multiple instances for someone in power to finally get the judgement they deserve. No one ever wants to go through what these women and women all over the world face, but this film shows that there are changes slowly coming into society with these controversial topics, but we are not nearly where we need to be.
I do recommend watching this documentary if you like watching films that have sparked changes and revolutions. They do go into heavy detail about what Harvey Weinstein did to these women which was very difficult and saddening to listen to. So, if you feel uncomfortable with that then this might not be the film to watch, because of that I give this documentary a 3/5.