This past year, we have witnessed police violence against students and faculty at University of Minnestoa, University of Wisconsin, and Columbia, many of us checking in with friends daily. There has been documented repression against student voices nationally. As Carrie Zaremba shares, “Nearly all recent university policy updates have intensified the bureaucratic hurdles for student organizations to gain approval to host an event. Some have gone further to capture control of campus activities.” (U.S. universities spent the summer strategizing to suppress student activism. Here is their plan.).
Is this happening here? On October 2nd, students received an email stating, “A Student Organization Membership Confirmation and Waiver… has been submitted for your review and agreement. Please Review. Your response is required by 10/17/2024 3:27 PM to remain an active member.” Clicking then directs students to an ‘agreeement’ [sic.] page, “I hereby release the University of all responsibility and liability for any injuries, illnesses, medical bills, charges or similar expenses incurred as a result of my participation.” While this waiver may seem standard for athletic activities, Winona State University already has a form for travel and activities.
Why are we receiving this waiver now? A closer look reveals that this document removes accountability from the university. It contains: “I, individually, and on behalf of my heirs, successors, assigns and personal representatives, hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the University and its employees, agents, officers, trustees and representatives (in their official and individual capacities) from any and all liability, loss, damage or expense…”
This wording is deliberate; it requires student activists release the University from liability, and dodge accountability. I saved a screenshot of the form. There is little to no existence of this form, no button to find this form, and it does not show up on WarriorSpace in ‘submitted forms.’ Why all these new restrictions? This is deliberate; students are not able to re-review a document that surrenders their rights. One should not have to sign away their rights to participate in a club. I urge students to advocate for their rights by contacting WSU Student Senate, along with the president (Alizabelle Carman) and the vice president (Jack O’Connor).