Student Senate in review: Students United

October 31, 2018
Winona State University’s Student Senate met on Wednesday, Oct. 24, and had a number of events on their agenda.
Student Warrior Health Week is going on the week of Oct. 29. It is intended to provide a student awareness and promotion of their own health. Senator Nicole Ruhland talked about the aspects of Warrior Health Week.
“We are celebrating a different dimension of health every day of the week. So, we have mental health Monday, spiritual health Tuesday, intellectual health Wednesday, Thursday is social health, Friday environmental health and Saturday is physical health,” Ruhland said.
The Senate allocated $335 to Warrior Health Week. The money is going towards posters, candy concessions for the social club fair and for other healthy concessions.
The Senate is looking for events to be hosted either at the student level or campus level for something to spread awareness or help contribute to a cause.
Last year’s event was women in leadership. Student Body President Christina Melecio also mentioned the willingness of the Senate to help contribute to the event.
“We have different funds, so we have an operating fund. We help oversee the Student Activity Fund (SAF). We bought a bunch of things to give away to students like mugs and chopsticks. Or we do donations where a club will come in and say ‘Hey we need $500 and we will donate the $500 to their event,’” Melecio said.
Student Senate is potentially removing a number of clubs due to a lack of responses about the status of these clubs. Some of the clubs at risk of being removed include the Muslim Student Association, Hiking Club, Habitat for Humanity, the Karate Club and many others.
Students United is an organization dedicated to fight for issues for students.
One of the main goals of Students United is to help get legal services for students who are undocumented. Senator Clara Kuerschner also talked about how Students United is working toward helping undocumented students dealing with present legal issues.
“We are in the beginning phases of talking about it with the individuals from the other seven campuses. Because it’s going to look different on our campus versus Mankato or Bemidji,” Kuerschner said. “The way I think it’s going to happen will be more of creating a position at the administration level for students to have access to somebody that can help them at the legal side of the legal struggles of being undocumented.”
Kuerschner said that the process of the goal is still on going so she cannot give a time frame of when Students United will have a plan.
“It’s going to be a rolling process if that makes sense. Because there are the other three topics and all of the topics are being worked on the same time,” Kuerschner said. “We also are waiting to get more instruction from our director of equity who is our staff member at Students United.”