School Board elections: A letter to the editor

School Board elections: A letter to the editor

Contributed by Emilio DeGrazia, Professor Emeritus, WSU

It is gratifying to see so many WSU students registering to vote. Decisions made today at the national, state and local levels will influence their futures in very important ways. Individual small votes add up to big consequences.

I would like to encourage WSU students to pay attention to Winona Public School Board candidates as they vote this year. What happens locally in Winona public schools is also important to WSU.

I would like to urge WSU students to vote for Karl Sonneman for the Winona Public School Board. Mr. Sonneman teaches law classes at WSU. More importantly, he has studied the problems Winona’s public schools face, and he understands both the educational issues and the financial problems that have hurt the public schools. He is a tireless worker for students, the schools and the Winona community. He is running in as an at-large candidate for the school board.

Running for a second at-large position on the Winona school board is James Schul, also a WSU faculty member. Students may vote for two at-large candidates.

When you vote please take the time to consider these candidates.

Emilio DeGrazia

Professor Emeritus, WSU