Abby Peschges/Winonan
Winona’s parks and recreation department is teaming up with Winona State University’s women’s rugby team to facilitate the Goose Bump Jump Saturday, Feb. 9.
The event, which costs $20 per participant, benefits the parks and recreation department’s scholarship fund. Scholarships are given to families who are in need to reduce the cost of programs.
However, this year the Winona State’s women’s rugby team is helping with the Goose Bump Jump.
For every registrant who mentions women’s rugby, the team will receive $3 of the registration fee.
The rugby team, currently ranked first in the nation, is raising funds to travel to the national competition later this spring.
The team has publicized the event across campus.
Roger Riley, head rugby coach, and several other professors, have challenged their students to participate and agreed to jump with them.
Caitlin Courtney, a member of the rugby team, is helping spread the word on campus.
“It feels good to help those who need help financially to participate in programs put on by the parks and recreation department,” Courtney said.
Courtney will be jumping along with about 15 other members of the rugby team. “It’s cold, but it’s not too bad,” she said.
The rugby team was given the opportunity to partner with the parks and recreation department when Riley called Pam Pfister, Winona’s recreation coordinator, asking if the team could help with any of the programs the city puts on.
Not only will some of the team members be jumping, they will be helping staff the event as well. Pfister said, “It’s really nice to be able to partner with them and join efforts.”
The Goose Bump Jump takes about four to six months of planning to put on.
Pfister recommends full body submersion to get the “full effect,” but the water will only be three to four feet deep.
“It’s very refreshing and an experience that everyone should have,” Pfister said.
The current age range for registrants is from 6 to 71 years old. Online registration continues until Friday, Feb. 8, though people can register at the event as well.
Members of the Dive and Rescue team will be on site in the water to assist any jumpers who need it.
The jump will take place on Lake Winona by the Lake Lodge.
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