Photo Story: International Coffee Hour

Brielle McLearen

On Wednesday Nov. 2, International Student Services hosted an international coffee hour in Gildemeister Hall. This event is typically held on the first Wednesday of each month. The events offer a chance for students to interact with other students from around the world in an educationally-focused environment. Depending on what the students decide, the events can range from very casual to quite organized.

Brielle McLearen, Photographer

Every coffee hour is different. Some are organized and others are more casual. In the past, they have showcased Bangladesh mask making, Korean-inspired activities, and origami. This week’s focus was students from Taiwan teaching others how to use chopsticks. The supplies available were generic wooden chopsticks and the task was to pick up cotton balls and skittles. This helped Winona State students to further their cultural learning skills. (Brielle McLearen)


At each coffee hour there are always some types of international snacks. Previous coffee hours have hosted international ice cream, cookies, chips, and candies. Students are able to snack and interact with peers at the social while also drinking international coffee or tea. Those who host the activity get credit towards their Cross-Cultural scholarship. International Student Services is open for any and all to attend their upcoming events, one being their International grocery bingo on Nov. 15 from 7:00pm-9:00pm in the Kryzsko Commons Ballroom. (Brielle McLearen)


Rebecca Sims and Heather Willis operate as the advisors of International Student Services and highly encourage students to come and hang out at the international coffee hour. They make the effort to have the entire campus body feel welcome to their events. “Everyone is invited, both international and American students” Sims said. (Brielle McLearen)


There was a wide variety of ethnicities present during November’s International Coffee Hour. The room was full of celebration of culture with students from Nepalese, Taiwan, American all working together to learn the art of chopsticks. With students and faculty constantly going in and out, there was a steady flow of traffic for the entire hour. One way that students can get involved with activities like theses is through International Education week at WSU from Nov. 14 through Nov. 18. Students can attend a number of educational seminars, music series’, and grocery bingo. International Student Services hopes to spread more awareness to these events and get an even larger diverse attendance. (Brielle McLearen)