Editor Farewell: Joe Eichele

Mercedes Johnson

Smiling brightly, Joe Eichele says goodbye to The Winonan.

Joseph Eichele, Photo Editor

When I joined The Winonan as a young photographer, I was hoping to get bit by a radioactive spider and end up like a certain web-slinging crime fighter. While that never ended up happening, I did get something else instead: a new family. Mckenna and Mo ushered me into the paper and let me hit the ground running. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them. Since then, stepping in as the Photo/Online Editor for The Winonan has been a huge honor.

Gabriel, thanks for being an awesome Editor-in-Chief to work for. We made a really good team this year and I don’t think either of us could have done our jobs without the other. It warms my heart to look back on how eager and excited our early conversations were at ACP. You’re a legend of a guy and the paper was so lucky to have you at the helm this year.

Sophie, you always bring fun vibes to the editing nights with your music and stories. You’re such a passionate individual with your writing so it makes perfect sense that you’ll lead The Winonan to new heights next year. I can’t wait to see what you do and I’ll root for you every step of the way.

Syerah, no one is quite as tough or as strong-willed as you. I love how you kept me on my toes this year. You wear your heart on your sleeve and have a great character. You’ve made the Sports Editor position your own and it’ll be the end of a fantastic chapter once you leave.

Heidi, what more can I say? There’s no one more goofy and lovable as you. I’m so thankful that I got to be your co-worker at not just The Winonan but for East Lake. You’re the kind of soul that I wish I could keep in my life everyday and you’d best believe Josie and I will call you every chance we get.

To my photographers, Carly, Keaton, Elly, Jiovani, Mercedes, Nathan, Brielle, you were all the reason that our paper will be looked back upon with fondness. You all crushed it this year and I couldn’t be more proud. Keaton and Elly, I’m so excited for you to take over the Photo and Online Editor positions. I have every bit of faith in you guys and I’m always here if you need me.

To Tracy, I’m thankful to have met someone on campus who truly cares about students and wants to see them succeed. All the work that you do for the paper, senate, homecoming, (and more!) don’t go unnoticed. You took the time to make sure I knew what I was doing for the paper so that I could leave it better than I found it. 

Finally, to Doug, thanks for keeping it straight with us as an editing staff. I couldn’t have asked for a better orientation professor as a freshman and it’s been amazing for us to come full circle as I end my journey here. Thank you for teaching me to wake up and pay attention. Also, sorry for never joining KQAL and “wasting my potential” as you put it. You can’t win ‘em all.

So long and thanks for all the photos,
