Smiling, Kenneth Janz high-fives WSU’s well-loved mascot- Wazoo in the WSU Courtyard during I WSU Day. Newly appointed University Interim President Janz strolls through the event proudly wearing an I WSU Day given to him by the main coordinator of the event- Tracy Rahim. (Elly Herrick)After already running out of tote bags, more bags are found and given out by Ahlea Wright. This event is one of the most popular club-based events on campus having students flowing throughout the courtyard between classes. (Elly Herrick)Playing a game, members of the WSU Black Student Union look at the computer to read off a question about Black history. Many clubs were encouraged to make their booth interactive with the students and the BSU’s booth is a perfect example of that. Can you name 3 African countries? (Elly Herrick)Event goers Phoebe DeBates and Jossy Sevilla take advantage of the free tote bags and many more free items at I WSU day. Many booths at the event had information as well as candy, fidget toys, cup covers, and much more. (Elly Herrick)Marley Wilkins tries her skills at the live-action Angry Birds booth. With rubber balls with angry bird faces drawn on them and containers shaped like green enemy pigs and barrels, students with guidance from two helpers use a slingshot to shoot the rubber ball at the containers stacked up nicely on a table. (Elly Herrick)Laughing, WSU Student Senate President Liz Carmen and Treasurer Jack O’Connor set up their booth for the event. They set up the booth to hand out highlighters, tote bags and drink cozies as well as drink covers. They also wanted to inform students of the upcoming Student Senate Fall General Election polls that are open Sep. 11-14 located in your student email. (Elly Herrick)
Elly Herrick (She/They) is currently the online/social media editor, business manager, features writer, and photographer. Try saying that five times fast.
Herrick also works as the Communications Director on Student Senate, a 2023 Orientation Leader, and was newly added on a Tuesday 7-10p.m timeslot on KQAL. They are also the Social media manager for the WSU Pre-Athletic Training Club.
Herrick is from Kenosha, Wisconsin, and is a second-year student at Winona State University studying Mass Communications: Public Relations with a minor in Advertising, Photography, and Creative Digital Media.
They love following challenging and fulfilling stories. They also have a strong passion for writing and giving others a voice.
Herrick loves to travel and over the summer, they traveled to Greece, Italy, and Barcelona. They are now saving up and planning on going to New Zealand this winter with their Aunt. Outside of school, they love taking the train and seeing live concerts with friends. They also love sharks and a good book!