By Melissa Edel

Winona State University welcomes volunteers for the fall 2012 welcome crew.
Jodi Monerson, area coordinator of Prentiss-Lucas and Richards-Conway Halls said this opportunity extends to students, faculty and staff. Becoming a part of the welcome crew allows students to move in two days early on Aug. 19 with no charge.
We encourage any clubs or organizations on campus to join if they would like to volunteer together as well, Monerson said.
The crew helps with certain tasks on move-in day, such as making signs, handing out keys, participating in traffic control, unloading vehicles and being there to answer any questions the incoming students have.
Katie Nichols, junior and resident assistant, said that as the resident assistants are assisting students to move in, the welcome crew assists them in making the process even smoother. Nichols said it was really great to have the welcome crew helping out, because as a team they are able to be really personable and make connections with the incoming students.
Lauren Stavne, a student who served in the welcome crew two years ago, said, “The welcome crew was a good experience and it was fun to help freshmen.”
Monerson said the welcome crew makes move-in day not so overwhelming for people working at the university and for the students. She said it helps alleviate any fear parents may have of leaving their children at college and that parents really appreciate the welcome crew and how smooth move-in day is.
The crew helps to provide a more fluid and welcoming process where incoming students can ask other students and faculty questions about what campus is like and have somebody there to talk to, Monerson said.
Nichols said the welcome crew is a great way for students to get involved, jumpstart their involvement in Winona State, and meet new people.
She said, “It is the first time Winona is able to personally reach out and say welcome to the university. I learned the importance of creating a community, connecting with students, and that by being the first hand they reach out to really makes a difference.”
Monserson encouraged returning students to serve on the welcome crew.
“It’s a good volunteer experience, it’s exciting to get students coming in excited, you get to be first faces they come to know, and you can share your experience.”
She said volunteering for the welcome crew is a great way to build your resume and make a difference to the first year students. Moving in early is another perk for members of the welcome crew. Stavne said, “It was fun to be here a week before classes. We got to hang out with a few other people on our floor and got to know them before classes started.”
Those who wish to be a part of welcome crew can register online until May 1. More information about the welcome crew can be found on