Suzan Muhanna/Winonan
The Minnesota Student Nurses’ Association (MSNA) club serves many of the 200 students currently majoring in nursing.
Kathryn Lammers, the club’s adviser, said MSNA and other organizations allow students to participate in nursing-related activities and raise money for nursing opportunities.
MSNA is an organization open for nursing students all around Minnesota and has connections with the National Student Nurses’ Association.
Among other resources, MSNA connects nursing students to professional nurses and holds conventions throughout the year.
Each of the four terms in the nursing program has a president, vice president, curriculum coordinator and treasurer within MSNA.
Maureen Savage, vice president of term 3, said, “In MSNA, we work together often rather than separating tasks out.”
The club holds two major fundraisers each year.
Tiffany Vang, the curriculum coordinator of term 3, said, “Our first fundraiser of each semester is the stethoscope sale. We sell stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs to newly admitted students of the nursing program.”
The second major fundraiser the club puts on is a clothing sale.
Megan Isackson, term 4 president, said “We do these fundraisers to raise money for our term so that we can attend nursing trips.”
The club brings guest speakers such as nurse practioners and emergency room nurses to talk to the nursing students as well.
Vang said, “Most of our fundraising money is used to help send students to some of the local and national nursing conventions.”
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