Cassie Tokach/Winonan
Winona State University alumni returned to campus for the Career Fair in different shoes. This time, on the other side of the table, they helped prepare current students for their future as they were helped years ago.
Winona State alumna Sue Moen works as a staffing specialist for the Mayo Clinic.
She said, “It’s inspiring to see students so committed to their careers. This is personally my favorite career fair to come to because I’ve been in their shoes. I graduated from here.”
With the large amount of Winona State alumni at hand, students had the opportunity to listen to accounts of success at the Career Fair last Wednesday, Oct. 2.
Another alumna, Laura Schulze, class of 2012, was hired before graduating out of a part-time position for Fastenal.
Schulze said, “I was working part-time in payroll for the company and they offered me a full-time position in anticipation of my graduation.”
Majoring in human resources and business administration, Schulze said her classes more than prepared her for her future job. Schulze is now a leader in Fastenal’s human resource team and helps recruit new employees for Fastenal.
Students were constantly coming and going throughout the fair, making connections and networking with a variety of professionals. These employers recognize the ambition of these students, some of whom will receive jobs because of it.
“A lot of these companies are looking for students with degrees or students that are pursuing degrees,” Shulze said.
Over 70 booths were located in McCown Gymnasium and were filled with employers of all sorts. From Ashley Furniture to Hormel Foods, businesses, organizations and schools came to look for future employees.
Contact Cassie at CTokach08@winona.edu