Kayla Langmaid/Winonan
The Sixth Annual Warrior Waddle 5K took place Homecoming weekend with more than 700 participants.
The runners started the race at Lake Lodge at 8 a.m. on Saturday. The race’s proceeds went to support Winona State University’s women’s track and field and cross-country scholarships.
Winona State student Maggie Bischoff said, “The thought of getting up was daunting, but it was worth it. It was really fun, and it went by faster having your friends there.”
The first time the Warrior Waddle 5K took place, there were 230 participants and one scholarship to give away.
However, this year there were six scholarships given away, race coordinator Kathy Hovell said.
There were medals given away to those that won first, second and third place in their age range, and each age range was divided by gender.
The medals were given out directly after the race.
The age groups were varied, with the youngest runners being 13 and under to the oldest being 71 and older.
The overall winner of the race was Bryan Lindquist of Winona with a time of 17 minutes and 4 seconds. Lindquist was in the 19-25 age group.
The fastest female time was Janneke Sobeck of Winona with a time of 19 minutes and 36 seconds and was in the 26-32 age range.
Other winners include Ronald Schroeder of Minnesota City in the 71 and older age range with a time of 31 minutes and 5 seconds.
Tessa Laska of South St. Paul won the age range of 13 and under with a time of 21 minutes and 43 seconds, and Sarah Huerta of Winona won her age range of 19-25 year olds with a time of 19 minutes and 41 seconds.
Winona State student Leah Karsten said, “All the track girls were there cheering for us which was nice of them since it was a fundraiser for them.”
Hovell said, “We were very happy with the weather this morning and the turnout. I want to thank all of our sponsors and all of those who ran or walked the race today.”
It was also beneficial for the race to take place on Homecoming weekend because it allowed Winona State alumni to participate in the race, Hovell said.
Each registrant also had an opportunity to win door prizes.
The runners used chip timing, which was sponsored by Anderson Race Management.
Chip timing calculates the net time of each runner more accurately, and each runner was given a chip to Velcro to his or her shoe.
Contact Kayla at KLangmaid12@winona.edu