Michaela Gaffke/Winonan
The sidewalks surrounding the gazebo on Winona State University’s campus were covered in a vibrant array of colors and patterns during homecoming week.
The Winona State Homecoming Committee hosted “Chalk the Walk,” an event that showcased the artistic talent of 23 Winona State students, who peppered the pavement with chalk drawings from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 23.
Spirit week chair members John Singh and Lexie Mertens planned the event, while Maggie Halberslaben and Chris Doffing tended the table front of the gazebo, where students came by to pick up pre-ordered homecoming T-shirts from the table.
The event offered participants the opportunity to earn a prize for their creativity and skill. The first place prize for the competition was a $50 gift card to the bookstore, and the second and third place prizes were homecoming T-shirts.
At 3 p.m. the homecoming court came to judge the drawings. They walked by each entry, and after some deliberation, declared the winners.
First place went to Sophia Morrisette, who drew a detailed blended flower, drawn in various hues of pink, purple and yellow.
Second place went to Patricia Hruby. Her detailed drawing depicted a combination of Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Nights with several Winona State campus buildings, including Stark Hall and the gazebo. The scene included the signs in front of the buildings and the poles with flags on the streets.
Third place went to Brittany Harp. She reflected on the upcoming football game and drew a very detailed Winona State Warrior head, as well as a St. Cloud State University Huskies head.
There were other drawings that contained the Winona State and St. Cloud State logos as well. In addition to vibrant homecoming-themed drawings, the sidewalks were covered in drawings of minions, Olaf from “Frozen” and even a drawing that looked like the Pokémon Ninetales.
Other athletic teams were represented as well. One student drew the Chicago Bear’s, Green Bay Packers and Minnesota Viking’s helmets.
Another drawing included several doors with “Mordor,” “Gondor,” “Gryffindor,” and “Dumble(door)” written below each drawing.
Luckily, the weather cooperated with the event this year, allowing students the opportunity to pour their imagination and creativity onto the sidewalk.
“[The event] existed last year, but was cancelled because of the rain,” Halberslaben said.
The colorful chalk drawings lasted throughout the week, and represented Winona State students’ diverse arsenal