Sara Tiradossi/Winonan
Winona State University Student Health and Wellness Advocates hosted “Tackling Mt. Stressmore” on Tuesday, Nov. 10, to offer students alternative ways on dealing with stress, during their weekly Health Hut session.
The Health Hut session acted as a stress-reliever for many students at Winona State by connecting them with other students going through the same thing and participating in stress relieving activities.
First-year students Grace Kaase and Xena Tran hosted the booth that displayed coloring pages and a panel mentioning ways to release stress for college students, such as calling a friend, making a gratitude list, planning fun activities for the weekend, cleaning up, breathing deeply and going for a walk.
The students were encouraging others to stop by at the booth and grab a coloring sheet as a way to help students stop for a brief moment of their day, and just enjoy the activity without putting too much thought into it.
“We want to focus on a few simple ways to release stress. Coloring is very easy because you don’t really have to think about anything, except the type of color that you will be using for a specific drawing,” Kaase said. “And that compared to any other things in life it is definitely very relaxing.”
Among school stressors, Kaase said a lot of first-year students feel discouraged about registration because they are afraid they will not be able to register for the classes they have in their wish list.
Tran said during registration week, students should take a moment to breathe and release the stress that has been acccumulating because of daily struggles. She suggested a few steps students could take advantage of in order to positively deal with registration.
“I think students should definitely meet with their advisor in advance and figure out what classes they need to take from there,” Tran said. “It is also nice to register with someone else on your side that supports you, and of course, it is important to be organized.”
Kaase said students should prepare before seeing their advisor, be aware of their options and know what questions to ask in advance. She also said students will be more relaxed if they have their schedule figured out. Once it is time to register, they will not feel panicked or unprepared.
“Tackling Mt. Stressmore” is not the only event set up on a weekly basis by the Student Health and Wellness Advocates. A popular support group offered at Winona State involves a therapy dog named Winston, hosted by counseling services.
“Another event that is related to stress management is Wednesday with Winston, hosted by the counseling services in the relaxation room at the IWC,” Kaase said. “I would encourage students to attend their sessions especially during this time of the semester.”
Therapy dogs have been known to offer support and healing for stress, and Winona State also hosts Nuts for Mutts for students to play with and pet a variety of dogs during the last of week of classes.
While this Health Hut focused on stress, weekly Health Huts are offered outside The Well in the Integrated Wellness Center every Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. focusing on different aspects of wellness.