Maddie Warzeka / Winonan
This past weekend ended the regular season for Winona State University’s women’s tennis team.
Their final match of the season was against Decorah, Iowa’s Luther College. Coach Heather Pierce shared her thoughts before the match.
“Luther is always a strong program, so it will be a good test for our girls,” Pierce said.
Even though the match against Luther College was not a part of the conference matches, the girls played hard, winning the match 7-2. Juniors Justine Daane and Rachel Gantz, and first-years Kendra Kappes, Tayla Card and Katie Scruggs all won their singles matches for Winona State.
Not only did the girls take the singles matches, but two out of three of the doubles matches went into tie breakers. Daane and first-year Kaisey Skibba won 9-8 (7-5). Kappes and Gantz won 9-8 (7-4).
Kappes held on to her winning streak, ending the season with only three losses at the number four singles position, as well as her four game winning streak at number two doubles with Gantz.
“My biggest supporters are my family, especially my parents. I can’t remember the last match they weren’t at,” Kappes said.
With her supporters by her side, Kappes and the Warriors will head into the conference tournament this Saturday against Bemidji State University.
Daane shared that they achieved their original team goal.
“At the beginning of the season we set goals as a team and individuals. Our team goal was to make it to the conference tournament,” Daane said.