Contest showcases travel photos

September 18, 2019
Winona State University’s Worldly Warrior photo contest is an opportunity for students and staff to showcase their photos from traveling.
Renee Stowell, office and administrative assistant in the Center for Global Education, said the goal of the contest is simply to showcase student experiences abroad.
“Our students have been to some wonderful places and we want to showcase that to the rest of the WSU community,” Stowell said.
The study abroad department first started the photo contest in 2013, but it became formally known as the Worldly Warrior photo contest in 2016.
There are several categories in which students and staff can submit up to three photos. The four categories are: Worldly Warriors and selfies, behind the scenes, environment and video.
Photos that have been submitted will be used to make the Worldly Warrior photo contest calendar that will be available at the bookstore.
Winners are chosen based on how many likes their submission receives on Facebook.
Stowell explained how the voting works.
“We post all entries on WSU Study Abroad’s Facebook and invite anyone to like their favorite photos,” Stowell said. “Those who’ve entered the contest are welcome to get out the vote with their friends & family, so we encourage all students to do so.”
Voting is will be open from Sept. 12 – 19 at 9 a.m.
Student winners in each of the categories will receive a $50 Amazon gift card for first place, and a $25 Amazon gift card for second place.
Senior recreation tourism Julia Feld studied abroad in Australia and submitted several photos to the contest.
“I just wanted to show off Australia, because it totally captivated me,” Feld said. “It’s absolutely incredible, like what everybody says, and [I wanted to give] people the opportunity to see what can happen if you study abroad.”