Academy Awards: predictions and opinions

February 5, 2020
As we move past the first month of 2020 and are in full swing of awards season, it is time to look to the Academy Awards in hopes that your favorite film of the year takes home the Oscar.
Joker leads in nominations this year with 11, with The Irishman, Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood, and 1917 close behind with 10 nominations. It’s interesting to note that the biggest film of 2019, Avengers Endgame, was left with only one nomination after months of controversy on their validity as a film by several Academy members, such as Martin Scorsese, who is nominated for best director this year.
I will be giving my predictions as to who will be winning in each category, with some explanation for the main categories. These are not necessarily the films and individuals that I hope will be winning, but what I predict will be winning the Oscar in Dolby Theater on Feb. 9.
First, Best Director. It’s hard not to see Sam Mendes winning for best director, as he orchestrated an entire film that was truly one shot and was extremely entertaining. The Academy likes to see a director take a bold approach in filmmaking, similar to how Birdman did well during awards seasons a few years ago for being mostly one take.
For the Best Actress award, I believe Charlize Theron will most likely win the Oscar. Her acting in Bombshell was wonderful and also told a powerful story that Hollywood would love to celebrate right now.
Although Scarlett Johansson did an excellent job in A Marriage Story, I can’t see her winning for best actress. However, I do believe she will win the Best Supporting Actress award for her role in Jojo Rabbit.
Johansson played a strong single mother that encouraged her son to look past the hate and the fear that was being promoted around their country at the time. The performance is heartfelt, tragic, and incredibly well done and deserving of an Oscar.
The best actor award is a close one. Both Adam Driver and Joaquin Phoenix gave stand-out performances this year in their films. There has been a lot of discussion on the legitimacy of superhero films and the Academy might just give Phoenix the award in an attempt to appease the masses, as their yearly viewership has gone down. However, Driver and Phoenix are both incredibly well deserving of this award.
Finally, the Best Picture Oscar goes to Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood! One thing the Academy loves are its films about Hollywood. This film showcases Hollywood for its good and bad moments of fading stardom. I would be surprised if this did not take home the award.
As the Oscars ceremony comes closer, we all hope the films we like will be awarded, as if we are cheering on our favorite sports team. I think almost every film and actor that’s been nominated is deserving of an Oscar, but they cannot all win. It is important to remember this Sunday that if your favorite film loses some awards you thought it deserves, it does not lose any value. You like it and you should continue to like it, despite what the Academy says.
The opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of Winona State University, the Minnesota State Colleges and University system, or the Winona State University student body.