Editor Farewell: Madelyn Swenson
April 29, 2020
I have written the beginning of this letter thousands of times in my head and a few times I actually typed it out. Nothing seems to be a good lead for something like this.
The Winonan has meant so much to me. It gave me a family, best friends, close friends, skills, experience and helped me to find who I am. I know that all sounds cheesy but I would not be the person I am today without this organization. And believe it or not I was reluctant to join.
When I walked on campus as a first-year student, I declared a mass communication: journalism major. So I looked into the clubs that had to do with that. I did not want to join The Winonan because I had never written anything journalistically. I figured I would take a writing class first.
Then second semester rolled around and I accidentally joined. I meant to go to the meeting for The Society of Collegiate Journalists (SCJ) and walked into The Winonan meeting that happens before SCJ.
The news editor at the time talked me into giving writing a try. I am so glad she did! It changed my life.
Then a few months later I was asked to be news editor.
One of the biggest things I will miss from college is the meetings on Sunday and Monday nights. They were always a blast. Through them I made friends that I know I will have for a long time.
Since I do not have a word count, this goodbye letter is going to be a little different. Starting with me mentioning an editor I have worked with before.
Erin when you graduated and I was not able to see you at the meetings anymore or on campus it was rough. You are one of my best friends and I am so thankful for The Winonan for bringing us closer than class ever could.
Mitchell you made it “big time” as Big Time Rush would say and I could not be more proud of what you did during your time as Editor-in-chief. You have been dealt something no one would have expected when you were named EIC last semester and you have handled it so well! I’m also happy that we did not lose our friendship over that promotion. I hope nothing but the best for you in your future.
Syd…you are a goofball and I love you for it. When you joined the editor staff I did not know how goofy you are. I also did not know how motivated you are. You worked on so many different articles at one time and did them all well. I have no idea how you did that. You have done so much for this paper and for me. You will forever be my best fake girlfriend!
Morgan, I remember hiring you when you were a first-year. Now you are Editor-in-Chief. I could not be more proud of you! You have grown so much as a writer, a person, and a leader over the last three years. I have loved every minute of watching you grow into the person you are now. I know you will do great things next semester and after you graduate.
Ren you have taught me so much and have been so patient with me. From spelling and grammar mistakes to which pronouns to use, I am thankful for every lesson you have taught me. I have loved getting to know you on all the adventures from ACP to DC! Have a great last year!
Mo, I wish we had more time to get to know each other. For the last semester it has been an absolute blast getting to know you on Monday nights, SCJ trips and at ACP. You are the most optimistic, outgoing, crazy person I have ever met. Your stories are the craziest things. You have lived a great life so far and I expect the same thing for your future.
Maurice I have not known you for long nor do I know you very well. However, I know that you are going to be an amazing sports editor. You have shown a lot through the odd training we have had to do this semester. I know there are a lot of unknowns for next semester and things I cannot teach you over Zoom but I know you are going to be great!
To the sports writers, I have appreciated working with you this last semester. You all have put in a lot of work and improved a lot in those few short months. Thank you so much for all your hard work.
To all the current, future and past writers. Thank you for all you do. You are the reason The Winonan is what it is and we could not do what we do without you. This is truly one of the best organizations on campus and I am so happy you are a part of it.
Endings can be hard and this one is no different, but I have no doubt the paper is in good hands. I’ll miss you all!
The opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of Winona State University, the Minnesota State Colleges and University system, or the Winona State University student body.
Doug • Apr 29, 2020 at 12:24 pm