Winona State hires new security and parking analyst
January 27, 2021
Michelle Dungy is the new Parking and Security Analyst at Winona State University.
Dungy is an alum of Winona State and said she is excited to be working at her former school.
“This job encompasses many opportunities for my skill set and work experience and I get the opportunity to work with so many people (different departments and students). I get to meet and learn from a diverse group of people on the campus,” Dungy said.
When asking Winona State students what they would like to see from Dungy, many were already content with what was in place currently.
Piper Zoller, a first-year undecided major is very happy with the security at Winona State.
“I think security on campus is pretty solid at the moment. I don’t know what else could be changed,” Zoller said.
Claudia Johnson, a first-year RTTR/therapeutic recreation major thinks parking is easy.
“I have not had trouble parking, there is always a place to park. I would love to have a map or link on the website to see where all the free parking spaces are (if there isn’t one already),” Johnson said.
James Warren is a freshman majoring in pre-veterinary medicine.
Warren said he has no complaints about the parking and security.
“I don’t own a car, so I haven’t really seen anything good or bad about the parking, but my classmates have never had problems. The only problem I have had with security is when my ID did not work for a few weeks,” Warren said.
Dungy hopes to improve communication and create easier access on campus.
“I would like to find efficiencies and improvements within the departments I am working with. Streamlining processes and looking at different products to make things more efficient and to enhance communications campus wide” Dungy said.
Dungy said the reason she chose Winona State was because it is her former school.
“I am not from Winona, I am actually from Marshfield, WI originally. I graduated from Winona State and have always thought very highly of this campus. So, it is an honor to come back here on staff,” Dungy said.
Dungy said she has not seen many changes with her job due to COVID-19 and how most work is remote.
“Since I am so new to this job, I haven’t been aware of many changes. All I have known so far is having to wear a mask and social distancing, making sure we keep each other safe and healthy as possible,” Dungy said.