Dean of the College of Liberal Arts retiring after 31 years at WSU

Jiovani Bermudez

Dr. Peter Miene has served as the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts for over ten years. This year he will end his career of 30+ years at Winona State. He plans to settle down in the warmth of Arizona and will enjoy not having to shovel any more driveways in Minnesota.

Madeline Mill, News Reporter

Dr. Peter Miene never imagined he would spend the whole of his career working at Winona State University

To his surprise, that is exactly what happened. Fresh out of graduate school, Miene was offered a one year-position at Winona State.

From there, Miene received tenure and taught in the psychology department as a professor for twenty years. When a position as Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts opened up, he jumped on it.

“I took that thinking I’ll go back to faculty after a couple years,” Miene said.

Instead, Miene ended up being offered the Head Dean of the College of Liberal Arts position where he spent the remainder of his career. Miene said being Dean offers a unique perspective.

“Not only do I get to work with all 110 faculty in the college, but all the people who work at Winona State in different capacities,” Miene said.

Miene commented that the people and community at Winona State have been his favorite part about serving as Dean of the College of Liberal Arts.

Political science professor Kara Lindaman thought Miene led with humility and kindness, forming close bonds with the faculty.

“Miene was more than a just a dean and I most enjoyed the moments when we discussed everything from family to soccer,” Lindman said.

Psychology professor John Johanson also had good things to say about Miene.

“He became Dean of the College of Liberal Arts right at the start of some very difficult budgetary times in the university. Despite those annual budget challenges, he continued to serve as Dean for the CLA for a long time,” Johanson said.

Miene served as the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts for over ten years, spending a total of thirty-one years at Winona State.

For the incoming Dean, Miene advises them to take the time to learn who people are.

“I think this is a very people driven place,” Miene said.

Further, Miene said it is important for the next Dean to understand who they are working with, what they need and why they need it.

At the end of the fiscal year, Miene plans to spend his retirement in Arizona with his wife. He said he will not miss the Minnesota winters and plans on giving away all his snow shovels before they move.

Congratulations on your retirement, Dr. Miene. We thank you for your thirty-one years of dedication to Winona State and wish you all the best.