Kara Lindaman is the new Dean for the College of Liberal Arts, located in Minné Hall. The College of Liberal Arts provides a variety of choices in regard to language learning, specialized studies, and other programs.
Kara has recently chosen to oversee the College of Liberal arts, which includes 13 departments and 40-degree programs. When Kara first started college, she went in as a Russian language major, eventually traveling to the University of Alaska. Soon after being in Alaska, she decided to become a political science and international affairs student.
When asked why she chose the College of Liberal Arts, Kara Lindaman described her passion for the department.
“I have always been a student of the arts, of history, and of politics, so the Liberal Arts to me provides that rich experience where you can figure out who you are,” Lindaman said.
She continues to express her passion for such a liberating, and flexible environment with her optimism for this college. Kara was afforded the opportunity to be the interim dean for the first semester of this school year. She said this experience allowed her to view issues amongst multiple perspectives so she could be better prepared when she became the dean.
When asked what her goals are when being the new Dean for the College of Liberal Arts, Lindaman explained the details of her role and the tasks at hand.
“In short term it is to approach budget reductions and the fiscal stress that we are under. In the long term it is to shift the narrative away from a monetary or market perspective of higher education and to look at the value of liberal arts in terms of the development of students,” Lindaman said.
Lindaman explains that when she is facing a difficult issue, she often asks herself how we can grow and make a meaningful, impactful experience for both students and the community.
The requirements and characteristics needed from a person to become a dean are rigorous, but Lindaman says she works hard every day by keeping her peers and students in mind when dealing with situations.
Mariah Rions is a freshman at Winona State taking various classes in the College of Liberal Arts.
“I hope for a dean that actively puts students at the forefront of their mind, one that wants to have a relationship with their students,” Rions said.
Lindaman spoke a lot about caring for her students and making many of her decisions based on their best interest on campus, and within the College of Liberal Arts. Finally, Lindaman was asked what she would like to tell students.
“The College of Liberal Arts is a welcoming and inviting college because we reflect the level of engagement and diversity necessary to be successful in the community,” Lindaman said. “If you are a student looking to meet some fantastic peers and faculty who would invest in you and get to know you, then the College of Liberal Arts is for you. The more the student voice is lifted, the better!”