If you or someone you know ever got emails that looked like this:
My name is Jordan Gerard and I am a reporter for the Winonan, WSU’s campus newspaper. We heard about (insert event/issue here) and would like to do a story about it. If I could get an interview with you, that would be great. My availability is (insert crazy hours of free time). If none of these times work for you, let me know and we can find another way to interview. Please let me know soon.
Thank you,
Jordan Gerard
Winonan Reporter”
You won’t see it anymore after this semester because I’ll be walking the graduation stage on Dec. 11.
So this is it. I’m writing my goodbye letter for the last issue of the Winonan of my college career. My emotional state is halfway between jumping for joy and crying my eyes out.
It’s been a good time these past three years, covering a plethora of stories from student profiles to the hiring and firing of university administration to pedestrian safety.
This job was amazing to begin with. The help I received in my first year here made me a better writer for the second and third years. I encourage any journalism student to write for the Winonan. I learned a majority of my skills here and will use them very soon with a full-time reporting job, wherever it may be.
The days of running around tracking down sources at Winona State is over. The topics have been covered, the people have been interviewed, their voices heard, the papers have gone to print and the journalist is satisfied.
First of all, thank you to the journalism department faculty for being the wonderful professors you are and teaching journalism. I wouldn’t be where I am today without a great faculty teaching the art and science of journalism.
Second, thank you to all the students who I interviewed over the years. I know you all have busy schedules and took time out of your day to share with me your story, be it an event or issue. Without you, I wouldn’t have gotten any of my stories written.
Third, thank you to the professors and faculty around the university who I interviewed about various projects or badgered constantly, wanting answers to an issue. I probably badgered you a lot, but finally, you gave in and granted me an interview.
And last but not least, thank you to my awesome editing team at the Winonan. I will forever remember late nights, discovering the colony of ants
in our office, overheard conversations from the hallway, sneaky Snapchat shenanigans, baked goodies fromyours truly (you’re welcome), and sharing frustrations over classes and stories. I wish all of you luck for the Winonan’s future years.
By Jordan Gerard