“History on the River” learns about bald eagles

"History on the River" learns about bald eagles

Kameron Wilson, Features Reporter

Over the summer months, Winona State University and owners of the Cal Fremling boat decided to work together to provide entertainment for the students and community members of Winona.

Taylor Laur, a senior psychology major at Winona State, has served as a boat hostess aboard the Cal Fremling since the tours began in early June.

‘“History on the River’ takes place every Thursday evening during the season of summer and fall,” Laur said. “A lot of people in the community come and we can learn a new aspect of history every Thursday evening.”

Laur also commented on how the event satisfies the majority of the town. While the majority of the tours focus on the history of Winona, a different topic is presented with each individual tour.

“The event entails a 90-minute

ride on the boat up and down the river. We have a speaker come in every week and talk about their area of expertise,” Laur said. “We’ve had other speakers talk about the history of rock n’ roll, aviation and trains.”

While Laur was unaware of the event’s existence in Winona, the event has benefited the community and Winona State over the years.

Aside from experiencing the historic views of Winona, the event grants guests an insight to other features existing within the framework of the city.

Larry Passett, one of the captains of the Cal Fremling, has been a part of “History on the River” for the past two years.

“Well ‘History on the River’ is very educational,” Passett said. “We have a variety of programs such as music, wildlife and environment. We also have a program about the river. People really love learning about it.”

With the theme involving bald eagles, guests are welcomed to refreshments and music while engaging in an educational lecture about the whereabouts and existence of bald eagles in Winona.

In addition to learning about bald eagles in Winona, guests will also learn about the voyages of the French explorers of the river valley. With the “History on the River” events running until the start of October, now is the time to invest in this educational experience.

Students and community members that are interested in being a part of the “History on the River” experience can order tickets through the Winona country historical society.

Pricing for tickets cost $22 for members and $27 for the public. For those interested in taking more than one educational cruise, the price of three cruises for members is $60 while the cost for the public is $75.