Stephanie Trypuc: A profile on a student actor

Morgan Reddekopp

Steph Trypuc in the lobby of Winona State’s Performing Arts Center, where she has spent quite a bit of time at Winona State. Trypuc is doubling majoring in Theatre Arts and Masscommunications: Public Relations, and has also taken part in many school productions.

Lauren Gennerman, Features Reporter

Anyone who has ever been to an improv show, attended a theatre performance or stepped foot in the Performing Arts Center at Winona State University has more than likely seen Stephanie Trypuc at work. Whether it’s acting in a show, setting stage lights, posting on the Wenonah Players’ Facebook account or running improv games on Wednesday nights, Trypuc is there. Recently, she was in her senior show, “Gidion’s Knot,” which also served as her senior capstone.

Originally from Neenah, Wisconsin, Trypuc got into theatre at a young age. She was nine when she first fell in love with theatre and it has been her passion and escape ever since. When she attended Neenah High School, she was active in every show. However, being a theatre major did not occur to her when she was accepted into Winona State.

“To be honest, I didn’t really know what to major in at first,” Trypuc said. “I knew I could talk to people, so I first decided on mass communications. But then I spent my first semester sad and sitting in my dorm room. It stayed like that until I auditioned for a show my second semester, and I remembered how much I loved it.”

Trypuc’s first show, “As You Like It,” where she played Celia one of the main roles in the play, started her career in theatre at Winona State. At the end of her first-year, she decided to double major in mass communications and theatre. Both majors come in handy, as she works heavily with public relations for the theatre department and social media for Wenonah Players.

“Theatre is my passion. I am glad that I double majored, but I have to be careful not to spend all of my time in theatre, because I can just get lost in it,” Trypuc said.

Trypuc estimates she’s been involved in eight or nine shows at Winona State. Since then, she has not only been active onstage, but behind the scenes as well.

Heather Williams-Williams, a theatre professor and director at Winona State, commented on Trypuc’s involvement in the theatre department.

“In her time at Winona State as a theatre major, Trypuc has acted in numerous productions, served as a stage manager, worked to promote the department and helped to construct many of the sets,” Williams-Williams said.

As a senior theatre major, Trypuc is required to complete a capstone. For hers, Trypuc worked closely with Jim Williams, another theatre professor at Winona State, and Williams-Williams to put on the show “Gidion’s Knot,” which debuted in the black box theatre on Sept. 14 and 15.

“It started off with Williams sending me the script over the summer and asking me what I thought of it. I read it and thought we could do a great job with it, so I decided that’s what I wanted my capstone to be,” Trypuc said. “It’s a really intense show, but it was interesting to see how audiences reacted.”

Trypuc did not just have to act in her capstone; she was involved in the entire production of the show. She coordinated costumes, designed lights and did other production tasks. She started work a week before classes began and didn’t stop until opening night.

“It was a great experience. The theatre program here really prepared me with everything I needed to know, so nothing felt foreign,” Trypuc said. “All I really had to adjust was spending more time working on a show than I normally do. I tried my best to maintain progress for the show and a life outside as well.”

Now that Trypuc is in her senior year, she has started thinking about what she wants to do after she graduates but is keeping her options open.

“To be honest, I’m not completely sure what I want to do because there is a lot I want to experience. I’m probably going to move back home for a bit to make some money, but I also want to audition for parts and see what happens,” Trypuc said.

As Trypuc is wrapping up her last year at Winona State, it is clear she will be remembered fondly by her peers and directors alike.

“Trypuc is a true ensemble player in our department,” Williams-Williams said. “She shines both onstage and behind the scenes. Stephanie also sets a positive example for her peers by sharing her outgoing and joyful personality.”

Trypuc plans on moving to Minneapolis with a friend after making money at home and trying to find jobs there. She is most excited to meet new people and experience new things in a city she loves.

She still plans to be active in the theatre department this year and wanted to express her gratitude for all of the people who come to see the performances.

“The student support we get here is astounding,” Trypuc said. “I really appreciate everyone coming to the shows, of course, but seeing how many students come see what we do and appreciate it means the most.”