Resilience in education graduate program

Natalie Tyler

Mariana Vines Marchesi, a graduate of Winona State, was nominated for showing resilience in her employment at the Winona State Writing Center, the English department, the English Language Center and Student Senate.

Kameron Wilson, Features Reporter

For the past few months, several committee members, led by Director of Integrated Wellness Kate Noelke, have been putting together a calendar that showcases events happening on the campus grounds of Winona State University. The events for the 2018-2019 school year are centered around the theme of resilience.

While every Warrior at Winona State expresses their resilient characteristics at their own pace, some students have gained recognition for their resilient expression by the resilience panel.

For the month of October, resilience panel member and ESL instructor Tammy Brians nominated Mariana Vines Marchesi for her efforts in exhibiting resilience on campus.

As a graduate of Winona State, Marchesi seeks to pursue her master’s degree in English through the TESOL program on campus.

“I got here at Winona State two years ago with a full ride scholarship,” Marchesi said. “I worked one year as a Foreign Language teaching assistant, teaching Spanish. Through a full-ride program, I got into contact with the TESOL program because I was allowed to take classes there.”

Aside from taking classes, Marchesi involves herself on campus through her employment in the Winona State Writing Center, the English department, the English Language Center and Student Senate.

Though Marchesi has exhibited resilience in every aspect of her employment, her resilient efforts had the most impact within her profession as an ELS instructor. Brians, who is also a colleague of Marchesi’s, experienced Marchesi’s resilient characteristics firsthand.

“I thought [Marchesi] would be a good example of resilience because she has such a positive attitude and spirit,” Brians said. “She has all the struggles that most graduate students have, but she is always positive and always has a smile for everyone.”

Aside from the amount of work that Marchesi faces from her jobs, she remains grateful for her experience within the TESOL program.

“The professors in the TESOL program are amazing and they are always available to you whenever you need help,” Marchesi said. “They are willing to work with you, advise your paper and give you good advice, which I really appreciate.”

Brains identifies with Marchesi’s resilient efforts on certain occasions.

“I don’t really get to see her very often, but when I do, she always takes time to say hello and catch up,” Brians said. “She is kind and clearly cares about her colleagues and community here at Winona State.”

While Brians appreciates Marchesi for her resilient efforts within her areas of employment, Marchesi has appreciated Brians for her comradery and guidance in being an ESL instructor.

“[Brains] really pushed me forward to not being so shy,” Marchesi said. “She wanted me to go for more and try to include myself within the Winona community. She has this personality of a strong-willed woman and when you see her, you sense her presence.”

As Marchesi continues her effort in pursuing her master’s in English at Winona State, she continues to find motivation in succeeding within her areas of employment.

“You can have passion for something, but unfortunately if you are not good at doing it or if you’re not helping others doing that, maybe that is not the field you should devote yourself.” Marchesi said.