Raquel Taylor: a profile on a student leader
September 11, 2019
Raquel Taylor, a senior majoring in Public Health-Healthcare Administration, has emerged as the new director of the Alliance of Student Organizations (ASO) for Winona State University this school year.
Originally from Bloomington, Minnesota, Taylor did not immediately know Winona was the school for her. She visited about 10 schools before making her choice. The campus’ beauty and the connections she made helped her realize she made the right decision.
She was drawn to Winona’s nursing program, but did not change her major until spring of her sophomore year.
“I realized direct patient care wasn’t my thing. I prefer a management role where I can impact people in an administrative position,” Taylor said.
While Taylor’s academic time here has shifted slightly, one thing has remained constant: her involvement with clubs on campus.
Taylor is also currently the President of Sigma Sigma Sigma, a member of UPAC and a member of the Public Health club.
Taylor joined Sigma Sigma Sigma her first year of college.
“I didn’t have the stereotypical experience with how sororities are shown in the movies. It helps that Winona is a smaller campus,” Taylor said.
As the Sigma Sigma Sigma president, Taylor focuses on their three philanthropy principles—Learn, Lead, and Give. With this, Taylor helps raise money for scholarships that go back to Sigma Sigma Sigma members and for leadership development opportunities, as well as service trips.
With all these opportunities, Taylor had experience being a leader before stepping into the ASO director role.
Tracy Rahim, the associate director of student activities and leadership, works alongside Taylor to help ASO run smoothly. Rahim’s favorite part of working with the clubs inside ASO is offering support to help them become successful and to learn interesting things about the community.
“She has done a great job reaching out the clubs. She is detailed and organized, and as an organization leader herself, she has a great insight on how she can be of assistance to club leaders,” Rahim said.
As Taylor continues in her position, Rahim hopes she asks herself ‘What have I done to serve clubs, organizations, student leaders today?’ each day.
From former ASO directors Annie Christensen and Jack Smyth, Taylor learned the importance of being open and understanding in her leadership position.
At first, Taylor thought the presentations and meetings were going to be daunting.
“We have a lot of clubs, so it’s been busy but really good. It’s nice to know as many people as I do in student leadership so parts of my job, like public speaking, are easier,” Taylor said.
As for responsibilities, Taylor works to make sure clubs are following guidelines and university policies and inform herself to be the best resource when clubs ask for contacts as well as opportunities to get more involved.