Students get WIT in Zane’s

Natalie Tyler

Seniors Cameron Lornston and Matt Liston perform with the student improve troop “Winona Improvisation Theatre” on Wednesday, March 14 in Zane’s.

Kameron Wilson, Features Reporter

Every Wednesday at 9 p.m. in Zane’s, a group of students at Winona State University gather together for Winona Improvisation Theater (WIT). The event consists of a band of students, generally members from the audience busying themselves with homework or audience members watching the performance, getting up on Zane’s stage and participating in a variety of improve games for an hour.

Emma Tomb, a senior studio art and history major and one of the leaders and participants of WIT, explained that WIT has been a part of the Winona community for the past six years and initially formed through the creative efforts of Adam Calcagno, senior theatre major.

“WIT has also been a part of the Runner-Up Comedy Troupe for the past two years,” Tomb said. “With the event of WIT, everyone is expected to leave with either a smile or several fits of laughter. While the event may seem to focus highly on the aspect of a simple batch of students getting together and acting like outrageous comedians, there is more to WIT that meets the eye.”

Will Diedrick, a junior computer science major, is a leader and participant of WIT. He shared more input on why they do WIT and what students can expect from the weekly event.

“WIT is a very good opportunity to spread the joy of improv to others,” Diedrick said. “With more and more students arriving for an evening of laughter and the wittiest of jokes, WIT continues to keep the flow of their event enlightening with additions of new games and introductions to audience members that haven’t participated in past events.”

Brad Erickson, is a sophomore computer science and math major and another leader and participant of WIT, shared what students can expect in the future.

“The future of WIT will exhibit a new ‘World’s Worst topics,’ as well as new ideas for themed based food such as having pie on Pi day,” Erickson said.

The leaders of WIT are constantly on the lookout for newcomers to join in and give it their all with the intricate improve games they provide the audience with. For individuals that have never set foot on a stage or held notions of doubt that they possessed any trace of acting skills, the members of WIT always see past the list of worries and they always extend a welcoming hand to newcomers.

“For any new person participating in WIT, I would tell them the easiest way to do improve is to don’t think about it. Just go with your gut and don’t be afraid to be out there,” Tomb said.

With the introduction of WIT to Winona State, students, as well as the campus community, have benefited greatly from the entertainment provided by a talented assembly of students.

“WIT is place where students can sit down, study for a bit, and then get an hour break of entertainment,” Diedrick said.

So the next time you’re thinking about doing homework in your room all by your lonesome on a boring Wednesday evening, shake off the stagnant vibes, grab your backpack, and haul your feet on over to Zane’s for an endless nights of gut tingling humor.