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The Winonan

Winona State University's Newspaper since 1919

The Winonan


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Remind me, why do we live in MN?

Oksana Carlier/Winonan

It’s always this time of year that makes me wonder why I did not choose to leave my home state and go to college in Hawaii. Or Florida. Or anywhere that doesn’t have this crappy weather.

Let’s be real, nobody wants it to snow in April. Many people are pretty much done with the snow after Christmas or at least by the end of January.

Who really wants to live in a state where so much of our conversation revolves around weather?

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Who wants to live in a state where the hash tag #MinnesotaWeatherProblems could be used accurately almost every day?

Minnesotans are crazy. I am crazy.

We complain about the weather all the time since it dictates so much of where we go and what we wear. We go to school and work despite globs of snow that make driving dangerous. We get angry at the weather but keep on living here.

Why do we stay here? Do we have a problem? Is there a reason for us living where we do?

I remember, sometimes, that there are reasons I live in Minnesota. There may not be too many, but there are a few. I also tend to forget them when the weather is crappy.

One, I live in Minnesota because I like the change in the weather. It keeps me on my toes and lets me enjoy each season for just long enough before I get bored of it.

Two, I am never short of a conversation starter. Talking about the weather may be cliche, but it is an easy way to start a conversation or fill a silent room.

Three, I just love shopping and the Mall of America caters to that love.

Four, Minnesota schools are great.

Five, I am challenged every day by the awful weather. And I win every time.

So while I may hate the weather and get sick of the constant conversations and complaining about weather, I do like Minnesota.

Well, I like it sometimes. Then there are all the other cold days when I cannot help but ask myself once more…

Why do I live here, again?

Contact Oksana at [email protected]

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