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The Winonan

Winona State University's Newspaper since 1919

The Winonan

Winona State University's Newspaper since 1919

The Winonan


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Letter: A response to “Halloween”


To the editor/s of the Winonan, and the author of the article:

This article, title “Halloween: a night for reindividualization” which was published in the Winonan, is something I find deeply offensive as a woman. This article attempts to be an unbiased look at the opinions on women dressing in a revealing way on Halloween, but it fails to acknowledge that women are human beings deserving of respect no matter their choices in expressing their sexuality, and fails to ask someone who actually chooses to dress in this way on Halloween. The article features two negative opinions on the subject and one positive,  demonstrating a bias towards the negative.

Obviously, it was the negative opinions that I found most troubling. I would address these complaints to those who hold these opinions, but the people who choose to publish them will have to suffice.

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Douglas Westerman is quoted as follows: “I think it’s the one time of year people can take the liberty to make a character ‘unique’. Unfortunately, some people go a little too far.”

I fail to see how Westerman, or anyone for that matter, are permitted to decide how far is “too far” when women choose to dress in a revealing way, especially on a day where it is the most socially acceptable to do so.

Steph Peterson is quoted: “The bait you use reflects the man you’ll get, […] These girls want to be loved and cherished and valued. But because of our culture, this is how they know to get attention. With these revealing costumes, they’re attracting men who won’t cherish them through the end of the night. […] They’re not sending a message that you are to be valued and what you are showing them isn’t necessarily the real you. That’s the message they’re sending on Halloween and it breaks my heart.”

Women are not “bait” for attracting a man. Women have a wide range of priorities and for the most part, finding a husband is not the main priority of people who are paying thousands upon thousands of dollars to be here.

When people go out on Halloween, the goal is to have fun, not find a man to cherish them forever. That’s what actual dates are for.

They’re not sending any sort of message about their value as a human being, they’re sending a message about wanting to have fun.

It’s Halloween, of course your costume isn’t the real you.

Women’s bodies and their clothing choices are not up for discussion or commentary. It is an individual’s choice how they dress, and it does not affect anyone else. It is offensive and demeaning that you would post this article that shames women for their choices, especially without asking any women that actually do dress in revealing ways why they do it. The mere fact that you think anybody but the person choosing these clothes has the right to offer commentary is ridiculous.

In the future, please refrain from publishing anything similar to this. I suggest reading up on slut shaming and perhaps taking a women and gender studies course.


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