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Winona State University's Newspaper since 1919

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Winona State remembers fallen Warrior Dusty

Ben Strand/ Winonan

A candlelight vigil was held on Thursday, March 19 in honor of Winona State University student Dustin “Dusty” Kadlec, who passed away on March 6 in an automobile accident.

Ingrid Larson, a roommate and friend of Dustin, organized the event at the alumni gazebo.

Larson met Dustin two years ago when she was looking for a place to live.

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Dustin spent five years at Winona State as an individual studies major. He was very involved with the student body and had built many great friendships with people during his time at Winona State, Larson said.

He didn’t ease into friendships in the typical way friendships form.

Larson said if Dustin liked someone they were best friends a week later.

“Suddenly you were happier and had more fun with your life because that’s what Dustin did,” Larson said.

Friend Andrew Horry said Dustin was a passionately friendly person.

“I met Dusty last semester in my research methods class,” Horry said. “He was always wondering how everyone was. He was always jolly and a good jokester. We had some good times goofing off in class.”

When the news hit of Dustin’s passing, it left Horry in shock.

“I was in disbelief. It didn’t seem right that something like that could happen to such an awesome person,” Horry said.

Above all else, Dustin was known for his awesome bear hugs.

Abby Vowels said she met him over pancakes one night after coming back from downtown.

Vowels made the pancakes, Dustin was there and he told her, “We’re going to be friends because you made awesome pancakes.”

“I’m just really glad I got to meet Dusty because the circle of friends that came with meeting him has provided me with a great support group during this tough time,” Vowels said.

Larson said Dustin was open to anything and adventurous. He was an awesome listener, which is what made him such a great friend.

According to Larson, Ignition Remix by hip-hop artist R. Kelly was one of Dustin’s all-time favorite songs. She said he would always play it at parties and gatherings, sometimes even on repeat.

“When Dustin left me, he left me with the greatest gift of all: my giant group of weirdo friends,” Larson said. “Even though Dustin is gone from us, there is no doubt in my mind that he is going to live on in our stories, our mannerisms, our laughter and he’ll probably even get some of us to name our children after him. I can only imagine it would be a giant victory for him.”

Larson said Dustin lived his life and never looked back.

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