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Meditation classes to continue for semester

Abby Peschges/Winonan

Winona State University is offering a free Mindfulness Meditation class to students every Monday from 12 to 12:50 p.m. in the dance studio, Memorial 300, throughout the fall semester.

The class is taught by Gretchen Cohenour and focuses on using meditation to study and explore thought, feeling, sensation and consciousness.  The class consists of brief instruction and guided sitting and walking meditation in a group setting. No previous experience is necessary and cushions and chairs are provided.

Communication studies professor Emilie Falc was a guest instructor at the class on Oct. 1. Falc got involved in meditation in college when a friend encouraged her to go to a meditation group. She sat with a group once a week and individually every day in the style of Zen meditation.

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Falc attended her first ten-day meditation retreat in the Vipassana style. For ten days they would sit and walk together in complete silence except for instruction and encouragement of a teacher. After the retreat, she committed herself to sitting for two hours every day.

Before moving to Winona, Falc attended a Zen Center in Ithaca, New York, which was very influential and inspired her to attend many more retreats. Winona does not have a Zen center, which was difficult for Falc when she first arrived in Winona. She formed a meditation group, which consisted of four or five community members for about six months.

Falc said, “It’s always so great to have a support group to sit with and who encourages you.” Others who meditate are your “pillars of support.” She went on to say that, “it creates a centeredness into a busy life.”

Contact Abby at [email protected]

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