Duck Man strikes at Winona State University
Swiftly the Winona Duck Man hid over 100 yellow rubber ducks around Winona State’s campus, hiding them on places like windowsills and benches. When students do find a duck, they can choose to keep it, hide it again or leave it there for someone else to find.
October 10, 2022
Students may have recently noticed some new yellow ducks around campus. These little yellow rubber ducks are hidden by the “Winona Duck Man.” For this article, the Winona Duck Man has requested his identity to be kept anonymous.
This is not the first time the Winona Duck Man has struck. This duck fiasco actually started as a high school senior prank where the Winona Duck Man hid over 900 rubber ducks around his school.
“Everyone wanted to do something lame like move all of the furniture around, but I wanted to do something different, so I came up with the ducks,” Winona Duck Man said.
The Winona Duck Man is currently a freshman at Winona State University. He started out by just simply handing out the ducks to people in passing as a way to start conversations and make friends, but it soon grew into something more.
“I have found it easier to be known as an idea, the duck man, rather than an actual person,” Winona Duck Man said. “Occasionally when I can’t sleep I’ll go for late night walks and I started by just putting one or two ducks around campus just because I thought it was fun.”
What started as a few ducks around the Winona Duck Man’s dorm quickly grew into a larger game. The Winona Duck Man started to gain some traction on the app Yik Yak, a pseudonymous social media app for college campuses.
Swiftly the Winona Duck Man hid over 100 yellow rubber ducks around Winona State’s campus, hiding them on places like windowsills and benches. However, this definitely is not a one-man job, the Winona Duck Man recruited a few of his friends and fellow students off of Yik Yak to help hide the ducks.
The Winona Duck Man plans to hide another 100 yellow rubber ducks around campus during the week of Oct. 16. They also eventually hope the yellow ducks could become a larger thing on campus, possibly by starting a club or adding riddles to find the ducks.
“If there are any people who want to help out by writing riddles or even helping hide the ducks, feel free to reach out to me, I’ll take all the help I can get,” the Winona Duck Man said.
You can contact Winona Duck Man through direct messaging his Instagram, “Winona Duck Man”.
“The day-to-day life on campus is so boring to me, and I’m sure there are other students that feel the same way but hiding these ducks and hearing people’s reactions brings me so much joy,” Winona Duck Man said.
When students do find a duck, they can choose to keep it, hide it again or leave it there for someone else to find.
“When I found a duck, I had no idea that it was this big thing, but it definitely made me laugh and brought some happiness into my day,” Emily Ramirez said. “I decided to take mine back to my dorm to display it on my desk.”
The Winona Duck Man said he is also happy to take small donations if students want to help fund the rubber ducks. He also suggested students should follow his Instagram account for updates.